MELEGIM - Wooden and metal lantern H35 - Patina black and shabby white

950.000 ₫ 950.000 ₫ 950000.0 VND

950.000 ₫

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Go bring some style to your home with these classic white wooden lanterns. Classic with a twist this impressive wooden lantern brings a unique statement and is a stylish accessory to your home. Simply place it in your entranceway, hallway decorate the fireplace or add mood lighting to your home or garden and still looks beautiful even when not lit.

Kích thước (cm): 18 x 18 x 35
Chất liệu: Wood, Metal
Màu sắc: Shabby white, Patina black
Bộ sưu tập: MELEGIM
Ref.: 8935259120808

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