JESON - Dresser L120 - Brocante pearl grey

8.700.000 ₫ 8.700.000 ₫ 8700000.0 VND

8.700.000 ₫

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What do you do when you're in need of a dresser, but you also want some roomy, open shelves for additional storage? Well, you could try putting a bookshelf inside your dresser. But you're better off just sticking with our 3-Drawer 1-Door Dresser. Featuring three roomy drawers and one door with open shelf, it's ideal for shared bedrooms or anyone looking for an innovative space-saving design. The plus ? Its heart shaped handles make it look so gorgeous.

Kích thước (cm): 120 x 50 x 90
Chất liệu: Solid acacia, Engineered wood
Màu sắc: Brocante pearl grey
Bộ sưu tập: JESON
Ref.: 8935259109117

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