ALEXIA - Wardrobe L125 x H203 - Brocante white and washed antic

19.200.000 ₫ 19.200.000 ₫ 19200000.0 VND

19.200.000 ₫

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This mid-sized wardrobe offers extreme versatility, with the combination of shelves, drawers and hanging space. A place for everything! Crown molding and shaker style doors are further enhanced by the white painted finish with the natural oak top. A great contrasted and stylish wardrobe that you will enjoy to see everyday at home!

Kích thước (cm): 125 x 60 x 203
Chất liệu: Acacia wood
Màu sắc: Brocante white, Washed antic
Bộ sưu tập: ALEXIA
Ref.: 8935259161245

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