VOLTUMNA - Rocking chair - Mokka and Dark grey cushions

6.500.000 ₫ 6.500.000 ₫ 6500000.0 VND

6.500.000 ₫

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This stylish and modern rocking chair is a great way to kick back and relax with a good book and its designed for both indoor or outdoor spaces. It's supported by a wood frame in a whitened acacia finish. Up top, the chair features a chic wingback design and ergonomically-designed armrests for a touch of accent. The seat and back are wrapped in canvas cushions for a textured touch, and feature a neutral grey that works well outdoors. Dark grey cushions with removable and machine-washable cotton cover complete the look, making it easy to keep this seat feeling fresh.

Kích thước (cm): 69 x 105 x 100
Chất liệu: Acacia wood
Màu sắc: Mokka, Dark grey
Bộ sưu tập: VOLTUMNA
Ref.: 8935259113220

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