MONTESSORI - Toddler Mirror L104 x H70 - Mint

2.650.000 ₫ 2.650.000 ₫ 2650000.0 VND

2.650.000 ₫

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A hallmark of a Montessori bedroom is a mirror on the wall. This mirror serves a purpose for your little one from their newborn days through the rest of their childhood. While the specific purposes for the mirror change as your baby grows into a toddler, its usefulness remains constant. Throughout childhood, it will support visual activity, movement, cognitive development, and independence.

Major Benefits of a Wall Mirror:
1. Enhances Concentration
2. Brings Joy
3. Encourages Independent Play
4. Promotes Coordinated Movement

A Montessori playroom encourages both physical and mental growth. A wall mirror, combined with a handle bar, will create a comfortable and safe learning environment for your newborn from the start!

Kích thước (cm): 104 x 11 x 70
Chất liệu: Solid acacia
Màu sắc: Mint
Bộ sưu tập: MONTESSORI
Ref.: 8935259178946

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