LABASA - Wax LED candle diam.8 x H 10 - Ivory

165.000 ₫ 165.000 ₫ 165000.0 VND

165.000 ₫

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Add a relaxing ambiance to your home with this flameless LED pillar candle. This product is made with real wax. The flickering LED light gives the impression of a flame-burning candle without the potential risk of fire, warm and comforting light for your home. Place the candle inside a lantern for a modern twist style. Ideal to have on hand during storms and power loss!

Kích thước (cm): 8 x 8 x 10
Chất liệu: Wax
Màu sắc: Ivory
Bộ sưu tập: LABASA
Ref.: 8935259138803

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